Government: Presidential republic
Capital: Luanda
Official languages: Portoguese
Population 15,941,000
With a three months delay one might think that I've gone to Angola, started a band and is about to shamelessly use this blog (and our many readers) to promote my very own music live and direct from Angola. That is not the case!
I've just been lazy, and well never really remembered this mission at the right moment, in front of the computer, with not much else to do than browse the net for some cool tunes. Anyways I've done some googling now, and did not come up with much else than some generic "african" music and plenty of cuban sounding music. Not bad at all, just that I do not like to listen to it.
So in the end I decided to promote a song by Bonga, a mellow tune about some problems of his or Angola is my guess. Cool name too, Bonga!